By Age 35, Workers With a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher Are Almost Twice as Likely as Workers ...


华盛顿, DC, 5月19日, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As postsecondary education has become more valuable in the labor market, the pathway to a good job has become longer and more challenging for young adults to navigate. The majority of older baby boomers were able to latch onto good jobs in their mid-20s, but most older millennials did not reach this threshold until their early 30s, according to two new reports from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW) on , 都是由摩根大通的慈善投资资助的. 一份报告, 如何限制教育负担能力, 以工作实践为基础的学习, 和职业咨询会阻碍你找到好工作, explores how the pathway from youth to adult economic independence has changed across generations. 第二份报告, 种族和性别偏见如何阻碍获得好工作, 研究人口群体之间持续存在的机会差距.

Only young workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher are consistently more likely than those in the previous generation to have a good job—one that pays at least $35,000美元,每年57美元,全国年轻工人(年龄在25岁到35岁之间)的中位数是1000. 在劳动力中年龄较大的千禧一代, 80%拥有学士及以上学位的人在35岁时找到了一份好工作, 相比之下,拥有大专或大专学历的人中,这一比例为56%, 42%的人只有高中文凭, 26%的人没有高中文凭.

“College costs have risen dramatically just as postsecondary education has become key to finding a good job,报告的主要作者和CEW主任Anthony P. 走向灭亡. “我们需要改善上大学的机会, 基于工作的学习计划, 以及为年轻人提供职业咨询.”


为了得到一份好工作, young adults need to acquire more education and high-quality work experience than was necessary for previous generations. 然而, 自1980年以来, the annual cost of attendance at four-year institutions has roughly tripled, 接近30美元,近年来已达1000万. 和, although work-based learning has the potential to improve young people’s transitions into the workforce, 很少有年轻人(31%)完成了基于工作的学习计划. 最后, students are not able to make fully informed decisions about their educational and career pathways without sufficient career and guidance counseling, 但学生与辅导员的比例仍然太高. There are almost 70% more students per counselor than the recommended level.

The slow journey to good jobs has long-term consequences for young people’s economic well-being, 包括晚婚, 分娩, 独立生活, 和住房. 由于过渡时间更长,教育债务更高, young adults accumulate less wealth than the previous generation; households led by 35-year-olds have less than two-thirds of the net worth that similar households held 20 years earlier. 此外, the share of young households with educational debt and the median debt among those households have risen substantially in past decades. Black/African American women are most likely to take out student loans and hold the most student loan debt among major race/ethnicity and gender groups, 是什么导致了巨大的种族贫富差距. The median net worth of young White men with no more than a high school diploma is more than 2.是拥有学士或更高学位的年轻黑人女性的5倍.

“推迟向好工作的过渡是有后果的,阿尔乔姆·古利什说, 报告作者、CEW高级政策策略师和研究人员. “对许多年轻人来说, 没有一份好工作就意味着买不起房子, 无法偿还学生贷款, and not having sufficient financial security to pursue their aspirations while facing life’s inevitable mishaps.”

Persistent racial/ethnic equity gaps in educational attainment lay the groundwork for equity gaps in the likelihood of attaining a good job. Young White workers are more likely than young Black/African American workers or young Hispanic/Latino workers to have a good job, 上一代也是如此吗. 事实上, it takes Black/African American workers until their mid-30s to have roughly the same chances of having a good job as White workers have by their mid-20s. 和 young Hispanic/Latino workers do not have the same chances even in their mid-30s as young White workers have in their mid-20s.

Gender gaps also persist despite widespread generational changes in women’s educational attainment. Even though young women are more likely to have good jobs than women in the earlier generation, they are still substantially less likely than young men to have good jobs. These gaps have not closed even though young women have higher levels of postsecondary education than young men. 在每一个教育阶段, young women are less likely to have a good job than young men within the same racial/ethnic group. 当种族和性别差异结合在一起, 在获得一份好工作的可能性上的差距更加惊人. Young Hispanic/Latina and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander women are half as likely to have a good job as young White and Asian/Asian American men.


“Disparities in educational attainment play a bigger role in economic inequality than in the past, but equity gaps by race and gender persist even among young workers at the same education level,凯瑟琳·珀尔蒂埃·坎贝尔说, report author and CEW associate director of editorial policy and senior editor/writer.

“年轻人是我们下一代的领导者, 但是太多了, 尤其是来自代表性不足的社区, don’t have access to the career experiences they need to obtain meaningful employment opportunities,”莫尼克·巴普蒂斯特说, 乔布斯的头 & 摩根大通全球慈善技能. “正如这些报告的调查结果所表明的那样, work-based learning and education are key differentiators in future success for young people. This research will help inform new strategies to address these disparities and identify ways to reconnect young people with the resources and experiences they need to better prepare them for the opportunities of tomorrow.” 

 因素包括学术电子游戏试玩, 占领, and working full time also influence workers’ likelihood of having a good job and contribute to equity gaps in the workforce. 在拥有学士学位或更高学历的年轻工人中, 那些主修科学的人, 技术, 工程, 数学(STEM)最有可能找到好工作(78%), 而主修艺术的年轻工人, 文科, 人文学科找到好工作的可能性最低(59%). 同时, 跨教育水平, young workers in STEM 占领s are most likely (83%) to have a good job, while young workers in healthcare support and food and personal services are least likely (22%) to have a good job. Working full time increases the chances of having a good job: 60% of young full-time workers have a good job, 相比之下,10%的兼职工人.

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